Swami Mukundananda Biography And Life Story


Swami Mukundananda is a spiritual guru, author, Vedic scholar, and expert in mind management. Swami Mukundananda is the founder of “JK Yog” (Jagadguru Kripaluji Yoga), an organization based in Cuttack, Odisha that teaches a unique system of yoga that is considered very beneficial for the body. 

Swami Mukundananda tells about Vedic knowledge and yoga. Swami Mukundananda studied in big institutes like the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, and Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, rejected a job worth lakhs of rupees, adopted spirituality, and changed the lives of millions of people through Sanatan Vedic knowledge.

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Swami Mukundananda Biography

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Swami Mukundananda was born on December 19, 1960, and spent his early years with his parents in different parts of India. Swami Mukundananda had different thoughts. Slowly but steadily, his interest in the world of spirituality and his search for deeper meaning in life developed from a very early age. Swami Mukundananda recalls his experience as a youth when he spent long periods of time in meditation and contemplation.

Swami Mukundananda Education

Swami Mukundananda completed his B.Tech from the world-renowned Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. Swami Mukundananda then completed his MBA from the equally prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kolkata. After that, Swami Mukundananda worked for some time with one of the largest industrial houses in India. 

However, a prestigious physical education and a promising corporate career did not quench his thirst to know the ultimate truth. Swami Mukundananda ‘s attraction to a deep understanding of the nature of divine love and devotion (bhakti) kept his mind immersed in spiritual thoughts for long periods of time. Soon, the longing for God was so strong that Swami Mukundananda abandoned his career and traveled throughout India as a monk.

College Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
DegreeB.Tech, MBA

Swami Mukundananda Career

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Swami Mukundananda completed his B.Tech at IIT Delhi and later his postgraduate management degree at IIM, Kolkata. Soon thereafter, Swami Mukundananda started working in the biggest corporate houses of India. His career was quite good but Swamiji had other ideas. Slowly but steadily, his interest in the world of spirituality and his search for deeper meaning in life developed from an early age. Swamiji used to spend long hours in meditation and contemplation during his childhood.

As Swami Mukundananda graduated from high school and college, his interest in spirituality increased. He kept trying to understand the teachings of the saints and the scriptures in their books and spent more time thinking about God than anything else. By the time he graduated, his hunger for spiritual awakening became even stronger and Swami Mukundananda began following the path of Sri Krishna devotion. Gave in my resignation letter within a few months of my first job. Swamiji’s life took a good turn with material progress and sacrifice of life.

Taking the vow of sannyasa, Swami Mukundananda soon set out on a spiritual journey that took him to the holy land of Braj and many other places across India. His experiences with enlightened and learned saints only strengthened his desire. His determination to find a true spiritual master was unwavering, and Swami Mukundananda continued his journey towards God for many years, learning from the holy saints whom he met during these travels, becoming one of the best saints of India. He became closely associated with, read the writings of the great masters of the past and practiced intense devotion.

After many years, by the grace of Lord Krishna and his Guru, Swami Mukundananda finally found solace at the lotus feet of Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj. He was overwhelmed with the immense scriptural knowledge and ocean of divine love whom Swami Mukundananda saw as his spiritual guru. Under the guidance of Shri Maharajji, Swami did intense meditation while living in Mukundanand Ashram. He also widely studied the Vedic scriptures, Indian and Western philosophical systems. On completion of his studies, his guru entrusted him with the major task of propagating the ancient knowledge of eternal truth throughout the world.

Swami Mukundananda was first introduced to yoga asanas and hatha yoga meditation techniques in childhood, and continued to practice them as he grew up. As he transitioned to Bhakti Yoga, he changed his meditation techniques, but continued with his daily practice of Yogasana. Noticing Swami Mukundananda’s interest in yoga, Kripaluji Maharaj asked him to teach a holistic system of yoga to correct the discrepancy in the Western world, where yoga was being taught only as a physical science. On the instructions of his spiritual guru, Swamiji visited prestigious yoga universities throughout India, studying yoga techniques from Swami Mukundananda. He then incorporated the best practices of Hatha Yoga and combined it with Bhakti Yoga to create the system of “Jagadguru Kripaluji Yoga” .

Over the last 25 years, Swami Mukundananda has inspired millions of seekers on the path of spirituality. Swami Mukundananda’s deep knowledge of many sacred scriptures makes him a scholar of high order. It presents ancient esoteric knowledge in a modern context with rigorous scientific reasoning. Using thorough logic and a scientific approach, Swami Mukundananda offers new ways to understand and apply the knowledge of the scriptures in our daily lives.

Swami Mukundananda’s lectures include teachings from the Vedas, Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavatam, Puranas, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Eastern scriptures, and Western philosophy. Ancient Hindu texts like Vedas, Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana etc. They were either directly spoken by God in His various incarnations on earth, or inspired by Him in the hearts of the saints. But when these great scriptures are read individually, many contradictions appear in them. This has created a lot of confusion in the minds of people. Swami Mukundananda in his lectures answers questions that have always confused people.

Swami Mukundananda Social Media


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